We’ve been rolling out many more of our innovative Civic Bin Houses lately — 63 have been installed around Auckland and another 62 will be sited in East Auckland in the coming months.
The bins were designed and made by us to provide a more environmentally friendly receptacle and a better bin design that is fit for purpose. They are made from 100% recycled plastic, which is recycled from plastic netting used on farms and other agricultural facilities and turned into sheets for us to work with. Because they have a 120L capacity — twice the size of a standard, 60L street bin — they reduce the incidence of overflowing, stop pests getting in, and are easier and safer for our staff or your staff to service. Best of all, emptying time is halved due to the larger capacity, which creates a significant reduction in carbon footprint wherever the bins are installed.

Each Bin House can look completely different, as each panel is wrapped individually and can be custom-designed. This means you can dictate what your wrapping looks like: schools can showcase artwork from students or the school logo; businesses can use their brand colours or logo; anyone can choose to go with instructions on how to use the bin. In the image here, you can see Auckland Council has decorated their bins with Rubbish | Rāpihi. The panels are also interchangeable, which makes them cost effective when tackling any sort of vandalism, because we can replace a single panel rather than the whole bin. The vinyl we use to wrap the bins is specially designed to aid graffiti removal and can easily be Graffiti Guarded to futureproof the surface.

Civic’s Bin Houses round out our waste collection services, which include EV compacting and sanitising trucks, bin and bag collection and skip bins. Our Bin Houses can be delivered and installed to any city in the country, so get in touch if you’re interested.