Fast & Furious at Problem Solving

Fast & Furious at Problem Solving

A lot of our work needs to be addressed at lightning speed, especially if it’s impacting on businesses, our cities’ ability to function, or on the environment. And with our team around the Auckland area, we are able to respond quickly. Three recent jobs illustrate...
Our Commercial Cleaning Services

Our Commercial Cleaning Services

Hard surface cleaning is exactly what it says on the tin: the commercial cleaning of any ‘hard’ surfaces, including concrete, asphalt, paver stones, etc. If they have high pedestrian and vehicle traffic, these areas will gather dirt, grime, grease, gum, vegetation and...
The Best Bathroom in New Zealand

The Best Bathroom in New Zealand

Thanks to one of our amazing staff members, a council facility we keep clean is a finalist in the Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards. It’s a public toilet, but it’s not just any old loo — it’s the Hunua Falls public toilets built by Auckland Regional Council. The...
Forward Thinking at Hutt City Council

Forward Thinking at Hutt City Council

Recently, we put in a tender to Hutt City Council Te Awa Kairangi for a waste collection contract. There’s nothing unusual about that — we’re pitching for council work around New Zealand all the time — but the brief for this job was a little bit different. Hutt City...
Our specialist sanitisation services

Our specialist sanitisation services

Civic is privileged to be able to help dampen the spread of COVID-19 by providing specialist cleaning and sanitisation services throughout the crisis. Following WHO guidelines for disinfectant germicides, and working closely with our suppliers, we can quickly and...